Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Teaser and new site

A new site to come soon, for now, a teaser of a wedding from two weeks ago.

Wedding Teaser. Again.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Katie and Oscar

As far as revamping the blog....might take some time. For the time being, here are some shots from a wedding. Many thanks to Enoch Kim as well. As far as the pictures go, I have been trying out various styles and color, which explains why a lot of them look different in color. I think I may have found a particular style with color I like. Anyhow here some some photos.














Monday, March 28, 2011

Not so far from now

Makes me wonder what will happen in a few years. Congrats to my cousin Debbie!

A few years or so.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My mind is on vacation

Well my mind and I am literally on my mini vacation. A time to refresh, so far, day one out of four and enjoying every moment of it. Perhaps I am finding a place of solitude, away from all the noise, hustle bustle, and competition of life and work.

Mind is on vacation

Monday, February 28, 2011

Freedom-sort of.

For those who may have wondered "I wonder how that Wesley guy is doing" I can report in telling you that from an outside standpoint I am doing well. I currently live in Newport Beach, have a job that pays well that enables me to buy nice things that I never really use, and can eat food daily that doesnt come from a vending machine. From the inside, I am doing not so well, I have dropped every single thing I considered to be a passion of mine and I go to work miserably doing the daily grind day in and day out. Although sort of botched and half done, the photo for some reason means a lot to me, maybe a beginning of relearning who I am and all that other mumbo jumbo kids who aren't struggling to survive say. Perhaps the big thing getting to me is I am living a purposeless life. That may just be it.So hopefully this photo will be the marker for some more things to come. Not half assing life is hard.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Work sucks my soul

The conundrum of work: you must work to eat and have money to have nice things so that you can spend more time away from your life to pay for your things. Every morning I wake up and stare at my ceiling, I hope there will be a day where I can find something I genuinely like to do (and get paid for it).

The conundrum of work

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Beach day

I have 1 week left until the cubicle drone bee life. So we kicked off summer with a beach trip! Even more important: Fiscus look! Sort of getting there! Here are two attempts that I am pretty pleased with actually.